by Nonkosi Tazibona | Oct 4, 2024 | Uncategorized
via GIPHY While I understand that I lack the sufficient knowledge and reasoning ability at present moment to address this construct that heavily irks my soul, I’ll do it anyway! Why? It’s simple really, I want to and I can, just joking I experienced an epiphany if you...
by Nonkosi Tazibona | Jul 26, 2024 | Social commentary
via GIPHY I’m stumped. Why is it that my ability to feel is used to demonise me and my femininity? Why is it that my rage is unacceptable? Of course, I’m not only talking about myself here. I mean all women. No one likes emotional women unless the emotions they...
by Nonkosi Tazibona | Jun 21, 2024 | Social commentary
via GIPHY I’ve often wondered who I am. Haha, way to start off deep right? Apologies, I must admit I started off way too strong but it’s true. I’m sure you’ve often wondered who you are. Mind you, I’m not going to spend our limited blogging space prattling on and on...
by Nonkosi Tazibona | Mar 15, 2024 | Social commentary, Zimbabwean youth issues
spoiler: no one wins! You ask for a mirror to check if your face is pretty. You ask your friend to check whether your side profile is appealing. You fidget on your chair wondering if you look pretty. Questions like: is my lip-gloss still noticeable? Is my hair still...