by Nonkosi Tazibona | Feb 3, 2023 | Media, Social commentary, Zimbabwean female issues, Zimbabwean youth issues
YES, I’M A FEMINIST AND NO I DON’T HATE MEN. So, you probably don’t get feminism. It’s okay, I didn’t get it either. No Zimbos, it’s not about hating men…it’s more than that. Way more. The Oxford dictionary defines feminism as the...
by Nonkosi Tazibona | Jan 6, 2023 | Black girl opinion and advice, Social commentary, Zimbabwean female issues, Zimbabwean youth issues
A world where dark skinned women are demonised and light skinned women are fetishised You’re a black woman, right? So, you’re probably up against racism. Are you an African as well? So, you’re probably also up against tribalism. Oh, and let’s not forget the colourism...